Reclamation of Lost Estate (R.O.L.E)
Reclamation of Lost Estate – Episode Number One – 11-10-2018 https://youtu.be/5FcJ8Fs_BiQ
Reclamation of Lost Estate – Episode Number Two – 1-2-2019 https://youtu.be/vkBNC7Mha5I
Reclamation of Lost Estate – Episode Number Three – 2-23-2019 https://youtu.be/4P0F3J0EdDg
Question: Why did the European/Euro-Albinoid Foreigners and Colonizers change the names of the Natural Organic Land and change the names of the Natural Melanin-Rich Genetically-Dominant Asiatic/Africoid-Aboriginal Peoples?
Answer: They did so to steal the land and subjugate the people under the “Doctrine of Discovery” which is still practiced to this very day and still used in Court Cases.
If and when you agree to the Colonial Tags and Colonial Labels made up by the European Sociologists (such as “Negro”, “Black”, “Colored”, “Afro/African-American”, “Minority”, “Hispanic”, “Latino”, “Indian”, “West Indian”, Puerto Rican”, “Dominican”, etc.), you lose your Birthright Estate.
Rights are Property !!!
One of the Main Issues facing Natural Melanin-Rich Asiatics in North America today, is the fact that they are not aware of the General Functions of War-Names or Names-of-War (Nom de guerre in Latin). The placing of Colonial Tags and Colonial Labels upon a People is a War-Operation, which means that “YOU” are and have been at War, but you cannot see War when you are living in a Social Illusion which further means you are Socially-Delusional.
If and when you voluntarily accept names that are not of your Pedigree, you are now out of the Inherited Right of Heirship in which you now abandon and forfeit your Birthright Estate.
Birthright Estates (Wealth), also known as Birthright Inheritance, is passed through the line of the Woman which means that our Ancient Societies were “Matrilineal” (Matrilineal meaning to be passed down through the line of a Woman).
Fact: No Nation rises higher than the Woman, the status of the Woman is the status of the child, and no Nation progresses further than it’s children, which are Naturally-Birthed by Women.
All 50 STATE Corporations, and the UNITED STATES Federal Corporation itself, has been indulging in Trafficking, Human Trafficking, Genocide, Forced-Assimilation, Forced Displacement, Forced-Disorientation, Mentacide, Infanticide, Rape, Robbery, Murder, etc. on all Natural Melanin-Rich Genetically-Dominant Asiatics in North America.
In direct accord with International Law, as well as Domestic Law (in which the Euro-Devils claim to follow), Natural Asiatics in North America have a right to self-determination, a right to claim their heritage (which guarantees an inheritance and make you an heir), and a right to pursue economic, social, and cultural rights. Under International Law, we have aright to pursue our legacy that, we as Indigenous peoples, sustained a lot of damage due to genocide, apartheid, rape, forced-displacement, forced-assimilation, loss of language, loss of culture, loss of land, etc. Due to damage and suffering, we have the right to claim our Indigenous Heritage. The Dred Scott case of 1857 already showed you that you cannot be a citizen of the United States and it was published in 1864, in the original 13th amendment with 20 sections, section 12, that the descendants of Africans shall not be citizens. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments only transferred Negroes, Blacks, Coloreds, Afro/African-Americans, etc. from one plantation to another (FEDERAL Plantation).
Know Thyself Part 1
Know Thyself Part 1 Continued
Know Thyself Part 2
Know Thyself Part 2 Continued
Santos Bonacci Reclaiming Dominion Part 1
Santos Bonacci Reclaiming Dominion Part 2
As Above So Below Part 1
As Above So Below Part 2
Santos Bonacci The Ancient Theology, Astrotheology Part 1
Santos Bonacci The Ancient Theology, Astrotheology Part 2
Sis Myrah- As Above, So Below: Return of Your Cosmic Consciousness
Myra Moss | Ancient Return for New Beginning
Jordan Maxwell - Astro Theology [The Root of All Religions]
Manley P. Hall on Astro-Theology

Email Contact: reclamationoflostestate@gmail.com