Reclamation of Lost Estate (R.O.L.E)
Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal
Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent
June 20, 2018 A.D. (Gregorian/Julian Calendar)
22nd Day, Crystal Moon, Year 1439 A.H. (13-Moon Calendar/Marrakesh Year)
To: Clerk of the Court / Judge Cahill
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5443)
David R. Blumberg – Commissioner
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5450)
From: Raaj Rafa El – Sui Juris / De jure / In Proper Person
Prisoner-of-War Number 452590
Cc: Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. – Governor
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5740)
Jeff Sessions – UNITED STATES Attorney General
UNITES STATES Department of Justice
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5399)
Donald J. Trump – President/Chief Executive Officer
UNITED STATES Federal Corporation
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5405)
RE: June 6, 2018 Conditional Release from State-Sponsored Kidnapping and State-Sponsored Abduction under continued State-Sponsored Threat, Duress, and Coercion
STATE-OF-MARYLAND Vs. RAAJ RAFA EL – Case Number 03K17004767
Note: Enclosed is copy of amended Internal Revenue Service/United States Department of the Treasury Forms 2848 (Power of Attorney) and 56 (Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship) of which the original has been sent, on August 2, 2017, to Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. – STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation (Via U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5344), Clerk of the Court Marilyn Bentley – CIRCUIT COURT CORPORATION OF MARYLAND FOR BALTIMORE CITY (Via U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5320), Mayor Catherine E. Pugh – CITY-OF-BALTIMORE Corporation (Via U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5313), Commissioner John Koskinen – INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (Via U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5375), and Secretary of Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin – UNITED STATES Department of the Treasury (Via U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5382).
* * * End of Note * * *
#1 – STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation is not an Original State Republic of the Original Union of States, known to be formulated as United States of America, and is therefore not bound to the Constitution for the United States of America, and all Treaties made, in which this particular combination of Constitution for the U.S.A. and Treaties make up the Supreme Law of the Land here on the North Continent (“North Gate”).
#2- MARYLAND PAROLE COMMISSION/MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF PAROLE AND PROBATION operate directly under the laws of STATE-OF-MARYLAND, which means they, in fact, are agents of STATE-OF-MARYLAND.
#3- The Courts of STATE-OF-MARYLAND are not Judicial Assemblies of the United States of America as firmly established during the November 6, 2017 Court Date at Circuit Court Corporation of Maryland for Baltimore County with Judge Norman.
#4- The Judges, and all other Court Personnel and Staff of the Courts of STATE-OF-MARYLAND, are not Judicial Officers of the United States of America. Both Judges, Norman and Cahill’s Name, upon first entering the courtroom, were concealed in blatant fraud. Concealment is Fraud and “Fraud vitiates all contracts” and voids all Court Cases.
#5- Baltimore County Police Officers are not Recognized-Militia of the United States of America and Baltimore County Police Officer S. Marie Stargel is not a Recognized Militia-Woman of the United States of America, as the role and position of Police Officer is not a Constitutionally-Authorized and/or Constitutionally-Created Office within the Constitution for the United States of America Republic (and all Treaties made).
#6- Baltimore County Police Officer S. Marie Stargel’s Name, on the Accusatory Instrument (Police Report), is said to be known to have been concealed in blatant fraud, causing an instant defect, which nullifies and voids the instrument, and therefore nullify and void the allegation(s), in direct relation to Penalty-of-Perjury Clause in the Police Report. There are also many various other Blatant Untruths and Straight-Out Lies on this particular Baltimore County Police Report (Accusatory Instrument) as submitted by Baltimore County Police Officer S. Marie Stargel.
Why is Circuit Court Corporation of Maryland of Baltimore County, in Criminal-Collusion, knowingly, willingly, and consciously continuing to accept Corrupt and Fraudulent Accusatory Instruments from these Dishonorable Perpetrators known as “Police”?
And, why is State’s Attorney Office for Baltimore County, equally in Criminal-Collusion, falsely-prosecuting in direct relation to these Fraudulent Accusatory Instruments? This clearly constitutes Organized Crime otherwise known as Racketeering.
#7- S. Marie Stargel, and/or the other Baltimore County Police Officers, claimed to have identified the alleged “Defendant” by a Maryland Driver’s License but that particular license has been officially-rescinded approximately six (6) years ago and was not in the possession of the alleged “Defendant” Person to confirm a positive identification. The Maryland Driver’s License is known to be an Adhesion Contract, which is also fraud.
#8- S. Marie Stargel suppressed crucial exculpatory evidence by the Criminal-Theft of absolutely all of the items found on the Store Video which was located on the table during the incident (items such as Computer, Laptop, Stereo Headphones, Black Carry Bag loaded with accessories, etc.) These items were not inventoried and a receipt given for future claim and pick up. Inside the three (3) or four (4) Manilla Folders, in the Black Carry Bag, was/is the above-mentioned 14-page “Power of Attorney and Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship” Document” which has in fact been sent to STATE-OF-MARYLAND Governor Lawrence J. Hogan Jr., among others. S. Marie Stargel, as well as the other Officers, was verbally-notified of the documents, the significance of those documents in reference to the case, and the document’s location.
As for MARYLAND PAROLE COMMISSION, “it”, on August 25, 2016, issued a Bogus Warrant for a Mysterious “Person” who is classified under the Race Category “B” (Concealed Coded Letter which constitutes fraud), and furthermore under the Sex Category “M” (more concealment equating to more fraud), to be taken into custody wherever found, and returned to the authority from which this Mysterious Person (with the unknown Sex and Race Category) was released, there to remain subject to the further order of the MARYLAND PAROLE COMMISSION CORPORATION.
#1- On June 22, 2016, MARYLAND PAROLE COMMISSION released Raaj Rafa El (Sui Juris/De jure/In Proper Person) from State-Sponsored Kidnapping and State-Sponsored Abduction strictly on the basis that he (“Raaj Rafa El”) is absolutely not the Artificial Fictitious Legal Entity “Corporate” Person (Creature-of-the-Law/Creature-of-the-State) which serves as the Defendant Person on all STATE-OF-MARYLAND Court Dockets.
#2- The comments and recommendations submitted, by both Agent II Jessica Thomas and Field Supervisor I Dwan Clary, on August 24, 2016, on the request for warrant, as well as the comments and recommendations, submitted by both Agent II Jessica Thomas and Field Supervisor I Thomas A. Page, on August 28, 2017, on the Supplemental Report, were blatant untruths.
#3- Let the November 13, 2017 Maryland Parole Revocation Hearing, conducted at Patuxtent Institution (with Commissioner Begosh), as well as the immediate letter(s) of communication directly to MARYLAND PAROLE COMMISSION in reference to said hearing, be entered on the record, for the record, to show and prove all aforementioned truths and facts in relation to the inconsistencies and contradictions by MARYLAND PAROLE COMMISSION which ill-served to justify the Bogus August 25, 2016 Warrant for the State-Sponsored Kidnapping and State-Sponsored Abduction of Raaj Rafa El.
In Conclusion
Due to the fact alone, among others, that absolutely all STATE-OF-MARYLAND Detainers (especially and including Copy of Detainer, CC Number 172351737, dated August 24, 2017, at 10:48 A.M.), never ever have #1- a Verifiable Competent Officer Person to authorize any Keeper Person to receive and keep anyone in their custody, and #2- never ever have a Verifiable Keeper Person who has actually accepted and received any person named thereon to be kept in his or her custody, STATE-OF-MARYLAND, by way of the Courts of STATE-OF-MARYLAND, in fact indulges in the Crimes of False Imprisonment, Trafficking, Human Trafficking, Genocide, Forced Assimilation, etc., in concerted action with the many various City and County Police and State’s Attorney Offices for Baltimore City and the many various Counties (“Baltimore County” in particular).
I have rescinded and therefore nullified absolutely all of the Fraudulent Adhesion State and/or U.S. Contracts, which presumably-created the State-Created Commercial Business Legal Entity “Corporate” Person (“Artifice”) known as “ROGER ALLEN MOORE/RAAJ AMEXEM MOOR RAFA EL, Socialist Security Slave Insurance Number xxx-xx-2303.
Definition of Artifice: a fraud or cunning device used to accomplish some evil; usually implies craftiness or deceitfulness.
The STATE-OF-MARYLAND has the nerve to display a cross within it’s “Corporate” Trading Banner in the back of it’s courtrooms, disingenuously-suggesting it is Christian.
The STATE-OF-MARYLAND uses the Religion of Christianity as a tool to wedge it’s way into Criminal Conquest (by way of Non-Disclosure, and Fraud) in which most of it’s War-Victims are Forcefully-Assimilated State-Created “Black” People.
In the Bible, which is supposedly followed by all Christians, the Book of Exodus, Chapter 20, Verse 16, clearly states “Thou shall not bear False Witness”. To bear false witness or the act of bearing false witness, means to lie (better known as “expressing an untruth”).
Why is STATE-OF-MARYLAND constantly doing evil by continuously bearing false witness, and therefore lying, on absolutely all of it’s Court Cases and Court Dockets by suing in the name of an Artificial Fictitious Person that does not exist?
I do not wish, to ever again, be illegally and unlawfully terrorized, traumatized, accosted, kidnapped, ransacked, hijacked, abducted, gang-raped, commercially-molested, etc., by STATE-OF-MARYLAND (and/or any of it’s 3rd Party Commercial-Mercenary Armed-Thugs known as “Police”), under State-Sponsored Terror, Threat, Duress, and Coercion.
Certificate of Service
I certify that I sent one (1) 6-page single-Sided Document entitled “Power-of-Attorney/Declaration of Representative” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 2848) and one (1) 5-page Single-Sided Document entitled “Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 56), sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number7004 2510 0005 4833 5443, and addressed to:
Clerk of the Court / Judge Cahill
401 Bosley Avenue
Towson, MD 21204
______________________________ 6/ 20 /2018 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
Raaj Rafa El
All Indigenous Aboriginal Rights Reserved
Certificate of Service
I certify that I sent one (1) 6-page single-Sided Document entitled “Power-of-Attorney/Declaration of Representative” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 2848) and one (1) 5-page Single-Sided Document entitled “Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 56), sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5429, and addressed to:
Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. – Governor
100 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
______________________________ 6/ 20 /2018 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
Raaj Rafa El
All Indigenous Aboriginal Rights Reserved
Certificate of Service
I certify that I sent one (1) 6-page single-Sided Document entitled “Power-of-Attorney/Declaration of Representative” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 2848) and one (1) 5-page Single-Sided Document entitled “Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 56), sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number7004 2510 0005 4833 5405, and addressed to:
Donald J. Trump – President/Chief Executive Officer
UNITED STATES Federal Corporation
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
______________________________ 6/ 20 /2018 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
Raaj Rafa El
All Indigenous Aboriginal Rights Reserved
Certificate of Service
I certify that I sent one (1) 6-page single-Sided Document entitled “Power-of-Attorney/Declaration of Representative” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 2848) and one (1) 5-page Single-Sided Document entitled “Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 56), sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number7004 2510 0005 4833 5450, and addressed to:
David R. Blumberg – Commissioner
Maryland Parole Commission
Maryland Department of Parole and Probation
6776 Reisterstown Road
Baltimore, MD 21215
______________________________ 6/ 20 /2018 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
Raaj Rafa El
All Indigenous Aboriginal Rights Reserved
Certificate of Service
I certify that I sent one (1) 6-page single-Sided Document entitled “Power-of-Attorney/Declaration of Representative” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 2848) and one (1) 5-page Single-Sided Document entitled “Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 56), sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number7004 2510 0005 4833 5399, and addressed to:
Jeff Sessions - U.S. Attorney General
UNITED STATES Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W,
Washington, D.C. 20530
______________________________ 6/ 20 /2018 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
Raaj Rafa El
All Indigenous Aboriginal Rights Reserved