Reclamation of Lost Estate (R.O.L.E)
Where is the Dream ???
Just One Hundred years after Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, that allegedly freed the so-called “Black” Slaves, approximately three hundred thousand (300,000) converged on the Nation’s Capital to rally for Civil Rights. They came by train, they came by bus and by air. They came from the North, the South, the East, and the West. They come united in one Misdirected Misguided Cause to urge an Illegitimate “De facto” U.S. Congress to pass a Civil Rights Bill with the hope to forever end the blight of Racial Inequity. On the day of the event in 1963, by 11:30 AM, there are more than two hundred thousand (200,000) present at the Mall, a crowd that is bigger than the most biggest optimistic forecasts. Now, there is a growing animation. It seemed as though the demonstrators were finding strength in each other and discovered that their cause was the adhesive mechanism. Arrests in Washington were below normal. Police attribute this to the fact that for the first time in thirty (30) years, you couldn’t even buy a beer in Washington, D.C. The Civil Rights Marches needed no stimulus of that sort, they provided their own, with songs that ranged from the sacred to the Hillbilly, but with the one occurring theme, a cause of Twenty Million (20,000,000) “Negros”, “Coloreds”, “Blacks”, “Afro/African-Americans”, etc.
The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 was just that, a proclamation (a notice or statement). This Particular Emancipation Notice or Emancipation Statement did not or could not do anything positive for an entire group of people who were still deprived and being deprived of their Birth Right and Ancestral Inheritance (by way of not being able to speak their own Native Language, identify with their own Ancient Family Surnames, practice their own Religions, celebrate their own Holy-Days, etc.).
The Unconstitutional 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments serve as the basis of Civil Rights and Civil Rights are a descendant of Roman Law.
After 140 years, where is the dream?
Today is clearly a New Day and a New Age.
In direct accord with International Law, as well as Domestic Law (in which the Euro-Devils claim to follow), Natural Asiatics in North America have a right to self-determination, a right to claim their heritage (which guarantees an inheritance and make you an heir), and a right to pursue economic, social, and cultural rights. Under International Law, we have a right to pursue our legacy that, we as Indigenous peoples, sustained a lot of damage due to genocide, apartheid, rape, forced-displacement, forced-assimilation, loss of language, loss of culture, loss of land, etc. Due to damage and suffering, we have the right to claim our Indigenous Heritage. The Dred Scott Case of 1857 already showed you that you cannot be a citizen of the United States and in the Original 13th Amendment with 20 sections, Section 12, which was published in 1864, it specifically states that “the descendants of Africans shall not be citizens.” The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments only transferred Negroes, Blacks, Coloreds, Afro/African-Americans, etc. from one plantation to another (a FEDERAL Plantation).
How many of you are familiar with U.S. Congressional House Joint Resolution 194 of the 110TH CONGRESS - 1ST SESSION (FEBRUARY 27, 2007)?
A RESOLUTION Apologizing for the enslavement and racial segregation of African-Americans.
Here is the first few articles of what it says:
Whereas, millions of Africans and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and the 13 American colonies from 1619 through 1865;
Whereas slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals;
Whereas, Africans forced into slavery were brutalized, humiliated, dehumanized, and subjected to the indignity of being stripped (robbed) of their names and heritage; Whereas enslaved families were torn apart after having been sold separately from one another;
In the very first article of this “Apology to African-Americans for Slavery”, the UNITED SNAKES is openly admitting and openly confessing that they robbed you of your names and heritage. That is a crime against humanity under International Law. And by them acknowledging that they robbed and stole something from you, you have the right to claim it back under the right of claims and under the laws of compensation and restitution. This is unlawful theft by an abominable corporate entity, so-called Nation, that claims to be a Holier than thou Christian Nation.
This bogus apology is literally equivalent to saying “Wham, Bam, thank you Ma’am”. Where is the monetary compensation and humane restitution that goes with the damage that they themselves just openly admitted was inflicted upon you?
Public Enemy - Fight The Power (Full 7 Min. Version)
Sister Souljah - The Final Solution; Slavery's Back In Effect