Reclamation of Lost Estate (R.O.L.E)
*** Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal * Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent ***
May 2, 2019 A.D. (Gregorian/Julian Calendar)
1st Day, Spectral Moon, Year 1440 A.H. (13-Moon Calendar/Marrakesh Year)
To: Current Chatham County Custodian
(United States Postal Service Certified Mail Receipt Number 7016 0910 0002 3019 1187)
From: Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El – Sui Juris / De jure / In Proper Person / Natural Man on the Land
RE: Legal Name of GEORGIA/UNITED STATES citizen Person, Ens Legis, Cestui Que Trust:
Social Security Number of GEORGIA/UNITED STATES citizen Person: 126-56-2303
Date of Commercial/Corporate Berth of GEORGIA/UNITED STATES Person: 05/05/1965
Georgia State Birth/Berth (Certificated Security) Instrument File Number: 26433
Private Bond Serial Number(s) for corresponding Federal Reserve Banks: E63901071/F21021141
See copies of Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of Treasury Forms 2848 (Power of Attorney/Declaration of Representative) and 56 (Notice of Fiduciary Relationship) which have been sent, among others, to UNITED STATES Department of Treasury Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5436), UNITED STATES President/Chief Executive Officer Donald J. Trump (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5405), UNITED STATES Attorney General Jeff Sessions (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 5399), UNITED STATES Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7017 1450 0001 7520 4125), and Congress of UNITED STATES (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7017 1450 0001 7520 3074).
Also, see copies of “Notice of Reversioner” which have been sent, among others, to UNITED STATES President/Chief Executive Officer Donald J. Trump (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7017 1450 0001 7520 4118), Apostolic Nuncio to the UNITED STATES Archbishop Christophe Pierre (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7017 1450 0001 7520 4132), UNITED STATES Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7017 1450 0001 7520 3135), Congress of UNITED STATES (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7017 1450 0001 7520 3074), and UNITED STATES Attorney General/UNITED STATES Department of Justice (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7017 1450 0001 7520 4163).
As evidenced by the above-mentioned Georgia Certificate-of-Live-Birth Instrument, with corresponding Georgia State File Number 26433, an Artificial Fictitious Legal Entity “Commercial/Corporate” STATE-OF-GEORGIA Citizen/Resident Public Person was created, unbeknownst to the Natural Person, and filed with the Vital Records Service, Georgia Department of Human Resources.
This STATE-OF-GEORGIA Straw-Man Public-Front Person is in fact known to be an “Artifice”.
Definition of Artifice: a fraud or cunning device used to accomplish some evil; usually implies craftiness or deceitfulness.
The Unsuspecting Real Live Natural Human Being Person, after being deceived/defrauded particularly in this way, unknowingly-constitutes the Source (Human Capital) and Energy (Human Labor) and may now only exist to serve as a Human Resource and/or Human Commodity. This equates to Trafficking, Human Trafficking, Genocide, etc.
The above-mentioned “GEORGIA/U.S. Person” has a peculiar standing, or lack thereof, a few examples being:
1) may not by law exercise a First Amendment Right to question the validity of a United States Obligation pursuant to U.S. Constitution, Amendment 14 Section 4,
(2) means citizen of the UNITED STATES and not a person generally, nor Citizen of a State Republic,
(3) is analogous to the term “subject” in the Common Law,
(4) is a “Person” as defined under Title 26 USC § 7701(a) which includes a corporation, trust, partnership, etc.,
(5) pursuant to Internal Revenue Code, Section 6109(d), is an individual issued a Social Security Account Number…for purposes of section 205(c)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act, and
(6) may be classified as property, as a franchise of the Federal Government, and as an individual entity (see Wheeling Steel Corporation v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193).
The above-mentioned GEORGIA/UNITED STATES Person (“ROGER ALLEN MOORE/RAAJ AMEXEM MOOR RAFA EL”), with corresponding Social Security Number 126-56-2303, is known to be commercially-registered at U.S. Department of Commerce, located at 1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230, and commercially-bonded at U.S. Department of Treasury, located at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220.
In direct conjunction with the above-mentioned “Notice of Reversioner” Document and Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of Treasury Forms 2848 and 56, which has been sent to the respective parties mentioned thereon, CHATHAM COUNTY VITAL RECORDS/CHATHAM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, by way of the Current Chatham County Custodian, is hereby officially-noticed that absolutely all of the State-Sponsored Accumulated Interest, Equity, Profit, Gain, Economic Growth, etc., from the initial certificated registered/bonded value amount, to the current registered/bonded value amount (accrued from the monetizing, fractionalizing, securitization, etc. by STATE-OF-GEORGIA Corporation) has reverted back to the Original “Collateral” Source, Paramount “True” Creditor, Real Trustor, Rightful Custodian, Superior Claimant-of-Right, and Holder-in-Due-Course, etc.
It is also hereby officially-demanded, from CHATHAM COUNTY VITAL RECORDS/CHATHAM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, by way of the Current Chatham County Custodian, to release and forward any and all Certified Copies of Register, Registry, Registrar-Related Documents on the above-mentioned Registered-Person with corresponding Georgia State File Number.
Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El – Sui Juris / De jure / In Proper Person / Natural Man on the Land
Power of Attorney and Fiduciary Agent for “ROGER ALLEN MOORE/RAAJ AMEXEM MOOR RAFA EL”
Email: powerofattorneyinfactforramramre@yahoo.com
All Native Indigenous Aboriginal Moorish/Muurish/Maurish Rights Reserved,
The Aboriginals / Moors, Muurs, Maurs / Al Moroccans / Heirs to the Land (America / Amaruka / Muu-land / Al Moroc)
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’