Reclamation of Lost Estate (R.O.L.E)
Federal Reserve Bank Letter Designation Number Designation
Boston A 1
New York B 2
Philadelphia C 3
Cleveland D 4
Richmond E 5
Atlanta F 6
Chicago G 7
St. Louis H 8
Minneapolis I 9
Kansas City J 10
Dallas K 11
San Francisco L 12
The Federal Reserve System, in their Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, has the nerve to show approximately 1.13 Trillion in assets and gains on their books. That’s your wealth from those private bonds that were taken out on you at birth in which you have no clue about. The Federal Reserve Banksters and Gangsters are the receivers of the Chapter 11 U.S. Bankruptcy of 1933 and they now control and regulate U.S. Currency. If you look on every U.S. Dollar, you will see a private bond serial number in the same exact format as the number on the back of your social security card. That’s because it is the same. That number on that dollar is actually a child that has been processed into the U.S. Commercial Matrix. “YOU” are backing the value of that currency with the debt that you unknowingly took on at birth (meaning the approx.. one million dollar value that was placed upon you at birth). That is who is holding and controlling your wealth in Trust, whatever corresponding number that is on the back of your social security card which leads to a Federal Reserve Bank. Don’t tell me that you are broke. That is an illusion. All debt is an illusion. You been knocked upside the head and robbed by a smooth-criminal. This is the sorcery and voo-doo you need to be worried about.