Reclamation of Lost Estate (R.O.L.E)
Aboriginal Heritage and Antiquity

What Does it Mean To Be Aboriginal In The Americas? To be Aboriginal to these Sacred Lands of ʼMrykā / Amexum / Atlan / America, is to be truely American in its purest sense and form, as confirmed by Webster 1828 English Dictionary to wit: American, n. A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans.
Aboriginal means the original inhabitants of the land. That is, the “aboriginal natural people” of the Land that can trace their line of descent back to the ancient and first inhabitants of North, South and Central America and the adjoining Islands. There must be evidence of a history, attached and culture traceable for several thousands of years. Then, and only then, can the claim of being ʼMrykā / Al Maurikan / American stand the test of truth and geographical validity.
There are millions of so-called Blacks in America who, if traced their family heritage, will not find any evidence of African slavery in their family. The so-called Black and Brown People of the Americas are predominantly Aboriginal Autochthonous Peoples, jure sanguinis, descendants of the “Ancient Ones” Xi-Kushite Muurs (Mound and Pyramid builders) and the Free Muurs with the Al Maurikan (Al Moroccan) Empire in the Western Hemisphere, but have been socially and politically branded Negro, Black, Colored, Latino, Hispanic, Chicano, Ethiopian, African-American, Native-American, Amerindians, Indians and Mound Builders by the colonial occupying Government at one time or another, and oral traditions tell us that We have been in the Americas for at least 25,000 years and were part of a prehistoric Global trade network over 100,000 years ago.

The Ancient Aboriginal Al Maurikans / Americans, Muurs / Moors inhabiting Meso-America migrated all throughout North-America and became known as the Califunami, Washitaw, Alli / Allegwi, Lenni Lenape, Yamasee, Nanticoke and others. The Aboriginal Muurs / Moors, are the descendants of the ancient Kushite, Phoenician, Canaanite, Moabite and Hamite People, who also gave rise to the so-called Mayan culture and were sophisticated mathematicians, accomplished astronomers, architects, environmentalist and spiritual healers, who also refined a complex hieroglyphic system for recording their heritage. The so-called Red Indian tribes of North-America were a result of the mixing of Xi (misnomer Olmec) + Mongoloid (Chinese immigrant, Hsu-Shen / Hoshan) blood and produced the Al-Mksyky (Mexican). The Mexicans then continuing this mixing with the immigrants produced the more yellow tribes like Pueblo, Manso, etc. The darker skinned tribes were the tribes that managed to contain much of the Aboriginal blood, like the Arapaho, Arikara, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Crow, Apache, Mandan, Pawnee, Shoshoni, Seminoles, Gullah Geechee, Apaachees, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Catawbas, Algonquin, Cherokee and Muur.

These tribes settled into areas now politically referred to as California, New Mexico, Arizona, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Louisiana, Florida and Georgia and other geo-political locations. In 1562, a Franciscan missionary named Diego de Landa, seeking to stamp out so-called heathen practices, ordered a wholesale burning of Olmec-Mayan manuscripts in the town of Mani, some 40 miles from Merida, which was at the time the headquarters of the Spanish Colonial Government (Inquisition) in the Yucatan. As a result of this, the greatest collection of Olmec-Maya Heritage and literature was destroyed, leaving only a few remaining manuscripts scattered throughout the region. There is a heritage hidden behind so-called history that you cannot even conceive of which is rarely spoken of. Thus, the most ancient bodily remains found in the Americas, are arguably not Mongoloid or relating to the so-called Red Indian, but are from an ancient Melanin-Rich People, "Our People". Mounds, pyramids and other archeological artifacts containing so-called Negroid features that predate any other civilization in the Americas can be found throughout. All Peoples of the World must wake up to the lies of reconstructed history that have encrusted us with totally fabricated misinformation as a foundation.

The Divine Prophet, El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali (Noble Drew-Ali) implemented a series of actions to begin the process for resurrecting We The Aboriginal-Autochthonous Peoples from the dis-spirited, comatose and dead levels resulting from the genocidal acts against us, and was the first to teach Islam in North-America and retrieved Our National Flag in 1914, twenty-four (24) years before the Kingdom of Morocco, Al-Maghrib, East Amexum / Al-Kebulan / Ethiopia, in 1956. Having traveled the world, Noble Drew-Ali obtained knowledge, wisdom, and over-standing into the many esoteric truths of our true identity and heritage being the possessors of the oldest artifacts and burial sites in the ‘Americas’ as opposed to the reconstructed history that the aboriginals (so-called ‘blacks’) were all brought to the ‘Americas’ as African-slaves. In His Divine work and Mission to Uplift-Fallen-Humanity, Noble Drew-Ali restored the Birth-Right and Nationality with the Aboriginal Autochthonous Muurs / Moors upon Our Sacred Home Lands, the Americas, with His Divine and National Movement of the World.