Reclamation of Lost Estate (R.O.L.E)
Human Trafficking in Mary Land (named in honor of “Queen Mary”). . . . QUEEN MARY IS THE QUEEN OF TRAFFICKING AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING ON “NEGROES”, “BLACKS”, “COLOREDS”, “AFRO/AFRICAN-AMERICANS”, Etc. !!!
*** Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal * Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent ***
October 11, 2018 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
22nd Day, Electric Moon, 1439 A.H. (13-Moon Calendar/Marrakesh Year)
To: Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. – Governor
http://governor.maryland.gov/mail/default.asp (Webpage Contact for Governor Larry Hogan)
Rachel Kesselman - Director of Special Projects
Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention
Maryland State Police - Criminal Investigation Bureau
Department of Justice - Office for Victims of Crime
UNITED STATES Federal Corporation
RE: Trafficking and Human Trafficking in Mary-Land – MARY Land named after Queen Mary (Queen of Trafficking and Human Trafficking on “Negroes”, “Blacks”, “Coloreds”, “Afro/African-Americans”, etc.)
Fact(1): STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation (not Maryland state Republic), with all City and County Corporations being a Municipalities thereof, is a Federal District of District of Columbia/Washington, D.C. in which U.S. Congress, in 1871, created a Municipal Corporation to serve strictly as a government for District of Columbia/Washington, D.C. (not a government for the Organic State Republics).
Fact(2): STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation is not an Original State Republic of the Original Union of States known to be formulated as United States of America, and therefore, STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation is not bound to the Constitution for the United States of America (and all Treaties made).
Fact(3): All Courts of STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation are not Judicial Assemblies of the United States of America Republic, and all Treaties made, as firmly established during the November 6, 2017 Court Date, Case Number 03K17004767, at Circuit Court Corporation of Maryland for Baltimore County with Judge Norman, and subsequent court dates, at same court, with Judge Cahill.
Fact(4): The Judges, and all other Court Personnel and Court Staff of the Courts of STATE-OF-MARYLAND, are not Judicial Officers of the United States of America Republic, and all Treaties made.
Fact(5): All Police Departments and Sheriff Departments of STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation, are not Recognized-Militia of the United States of America Republic (and all Treaties made), and individual Police Officers and Sheriffs are not Recognized Militia-Men/Women of the United States of America, as the role and position of Police Officer is not a Constitutionally-Authorized and/or Constitutionally-Created Office within the Constitution for the United States of America Republic (and all Treaties made). All Police and Sheriffs employed by STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation operate within a Federal District of the District of Columbia/Washington, D.C. which means they are Foreign 3rd Party Commercial Business Contractors and Corporate Revenue Agents which means ultimately that they are Hostile and Dangerous Actors on this North American Organic Landmass. Fact(6): The STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation display a cross within it’s “Corporate” Trading Banner in the back of it’s courtrooms, and elsewhere, disingenuously-suggesting it is Christian.
STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation uses the Religion of Christianity, as a tool, to wedge it’s way into Criminal-Conquest, by way of Non-Disclosure, Fraud, and Entrapment, in which most of STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation’s War-Victims, among others, are Forcefully-Assimilated State-Created “Negro”, “Black”, “Colored”, “Afro/African-American” People.
Fact(7): According to all true and divine records of the Human Race, there are no “Negro”, “Black”, “Colored”, and/or “Afro/African-American” Races attached to the Human Family. What one’s Ancient Forefathers and Ancient Foremother’s were, that same one is still today without doubt or contradiction as there is absolutely no one who is able to change a Natural Man or Natural Woman from the descendant nature of their forefathers and foremothers, unless their power extends beyond the Great Universal Creator/Creator (known by many names such as God, Allah, Yahwey, Jehovah, Elohim, etc.).
The Undisputable Proof and Prima Facie Evidence of MARY-Land’s knowing and willful intent to commit Trafficking, Human Trafficking, Genocide, Forceful-Displacement, Forceful-Assimilation, Menticide, Infanticide, Cultural/Spiritual/Psychological-Disorientation, Rape, Robbery, Murder, Colonization, Christianization, etc., etc., etc., on and against the Natural Native Indigenous Aboriginal Melanin-Rich Genetically-Dominant True American Peoples (who have been negatively colonially-branded as the Present-Day “Negroes”, “Blacks”, “Coloreds”, “Afro/African-Americans”, etc.), is the 1632 Charter of Mary-Land, an incriminating passage in the very beginning of this particular charter being as follow:
Whereas, our well beloved and right trusty Subject Caecilius Calvert, Baron of Baltimore, in our Kingdom of Ireland, Son and Heir of George Calvert, Knight, late Baron of Baltimore, in our said Kingdom of Ireland, treading in the steps of his Father, being animated with a laudable, and pious Zeal for extending the Christian Religion, and also the Territories of our Empire, hath humbly besought Leave of us, that he may transport, by his own Industry, and Expense, a numerous Colony of the English Nation, to a certain Region, herein after described, in a Country hitherto uncultivated, in the Parts of America, and partly occupied by “Savages”, having no knowledge of the Divine Being, and that all that Region, with some certain Privileges, and Jurisdiction, appertaining unto the wholesome Government, and State of his Colony and Region aforesaid, may by our Royal Highness be given, granted and confirmed unto him, and his Heirs.
The Undisputable Proof and Prima Facie Evidence of STATE-OF-MARYLAND’s knowing and willful intent to commit the same above-mentioned Human Rights Atrocities, is the “CONSTITUTION OF MARYLAND”, adopted by the convention which assembled at the City of Annapolis on the Eighth Day of May, Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven, and adjourned on the Seventeenth Day of August, Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven, and was Ratified by the People on the Eighteenth Day of September, Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven, with Amendments through Two Thousand and Two (including amendments proposed by the General Assembly and ratified by the voters through November 5, 2002). Certain incriminating passages of this constitution being as follow:
In the Preamble of CONSTITUTION OF MARYLAND, it states We, the People of the STATE-OF-MARYLAND, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty, and taking into our serious consideration the best means of establishing a good Constitution in this State for the sure foundation and more permanent security thereof, declare, particularly in Article 5(a):
“That the Inhabitants of Maryland are entitled to the Common Law of England, and the trial by Jury, according to the course of that Law, and to the benefit of such of the English statutes as existed on the Fourth day of July, seventeen hundred and seventy-six; and which, by experience, have been found applicable to their local and other circumstances, and have been introduced, used and practiced by the Courts of Law or Equity; and also of all Acts of Assembly in force on the first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; except such as may have since expired, or may be inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution; subject, nevertheless, to the revision of, and amendment or repeal by, the Legislature of this State. And the Inhabitants of Maryland are also entitled to all property derived to them from, or under the Charter granted by His Majesty Charles the First to Caecilius Calvert, Baron of Baltimore.”
STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation is in fact an Artificial Fictitious Legal Entity Corporation (otherwise known as a Commercial Business “Corporate” Person) which diabolically serves as an Artifice which then frauds so-called “Negroes”, “Blacks”, “Coloreds”, “Afro/African-Americans”, etc. into Adhesion Contracts (such as State Berth Certificates, State Drivers Licenses, State Programs, State Permits, State Benefits, Food Stamps, Free Mail Delivery, etc.) which ultimately then falsely-serve to bind them to State Citizenship, State Residency, State Jurisdiction, State Subjugation, etc. Fraud vitiates all contracts.
Definition of Artifice: a fraud or cunning device used to accomplish some evil; usually implies craftiness or deceitfulness.
STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation did not disclose, and is not disclosing that the very basis of it’s Commercial/Corporate Operations are Bond Instruments otherwise known as Debt Instruments and also known as Commercial Paper, Commercial Items, Negotiable Instruments, Promissory Notes, Credit Agreements (Shetar), Pledges (Jewish Gage), etc., etc., etc. This operational process in fact made each and every Artificial/Fictitious STATE-OF-MARYLAND “Corporate” citizen, resident, and/or subject person a Bond Servant, in which this “Corporate” Person also now serves as an Artifice.
STATE-OF-MARYLAND is also not disclosing that when the Natural Asiatic Melanin-Rich (so-called “Black”) Baby’s Footprint, otherwise known as their Biological Property, is placed on the STATE-OF-MARYLAND Birth/Berth Certificate before their Natural Foot touches the Natural Organic Land, they unknowingly become surety for a debt. The STATE-OF-MARYLAND Birth/Berth Certificate is then recorded at a County Recorder, then sent to a Secretary of State which sends it to the UNITED STATES Bureau of Census of the UNITED STATES Commerce Department. This process converts the Natural Person’s Life, Labor, and Property to an asset of the UNITED STATES Federal Government Corporation. The “Person” on the STATE-OF-MARYLAND Birth/Berth Certificate becomes a fictional persona in commerce. The STATE-OF-MARYLAND Birth/Berth Certificate is an unrevealed "Trust Instrument" originally designed for the children of the newly freed “so-called Black” Slaves after the 14th Amendment in which the UNITED STATES now has the ability to tax and regulate as commerce. The STATE-OF-MARYLAND Birth/Berth Certificate is now a Registered Security which initially has an estimated value of One Million Dollars and this Financial Instrument is then circulated around the world as collateral for loans and entered on the asset side of ledgers just like any other financial security instrument. The Central Banks now have a negotiable instrument against which credit is advanced by the International Funding Community, namely The World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Bank for International Settlements, Bank of England, Federal Bank of America, etc.
The STATE-OF-MARYLAND, through the means of fraud and theft-by-conversion, is and has been constantly stealing the energy from and making Bond Servants and Debt Slaves out of Natural Native Indigenous Aboriginal Melanin-Rich Genetically-Dominant True American Peoples (who have been negatively colonially-branded as the Present-Day “Negroes”, “Blacks”, “Coloreds”, “Afro/African-Americans”, etc.) to now perpetually use them as Human Resources.
Definition of Fraud - A perversion of the truth to induce a person to part with something valuable (rights- property etc…) belonging to them using false or misleading representations.
There is no statute of limitations on fraud and there is no honor in theft-by-conversion.
The Natural Organic North American Landmass, where STATE-OF-MARYLAND Corporation, and all of it’s many various City and County Corporations, currently does Crooked/Shady/Fraudulent Business, is the Voluminous Birthright Estate of the Moors/Muurs/Maurs, as Genealogically-Recorded in the Great Athenaeum Halls and Universities of Timbuktu and Jenne (Ancient Capitals of Western and Central Sudan), which gives an Accurate Anecdotal Account of the States, Dynastic Family Successions and Empires established by the Moors/Muurs/Maurs.
** (See Books “Golden Trade of the Moors” by William T. Bovill and “Golden Age of the Moor” edited by Ivan Van Sertima) **
In direct support of this overall claim, there are email attachments for your additional information.
In the spirit of Reversion, Restitution, Reclamation, Redemption, and Restoration,
Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El – Sui Juris / De jure / In Proper Person / Natural Man on the Land
Power of Attorney-in-fact for “ROGER ALLEN MOORE/RAAJ AMEXEM MOOR RAFA EL”