Reclamation of Lost Estate (R.O.L.E)

Mrs. Lacks was a wife, mother of five, native of rural southern Virginia, resident of Turner Station in Dundalk, Maryland—Henrietta went to Johns Hopkins complaining of vaginal spotting. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer which quickly consumed her body despite of radiation treatment. Henrietta life was cut short on October 4, 1951. Not all of Henrietta Lacks died that day. She unknowingly left behind a piece of her that still lives today—it’s called the HeLa cell. Her cells were taken and used for medical research without her consent. And for more than 20 years after her death Henrietta’s family would learn how science retrieved her cells and of her enormous contribution to medicine and to human life. The birth of the HeLa cells were making its mark worldwide. After all the “HeLa” cells continue to multiply daily as no other cell outside the human body, a breakthrough in cell research. With that being said the world will never be the same due to the “HeLa” phenomena which began in 1951. Since then there has been a mass production of the cells which have traveled around the globe, even into space! Even though Henrietta’s cells launched a multimillion-dollar industry that sells human biological materials, the family never saw any of the profits or that Henrietta received the recognition she deserves. The “HeLa” cells are continually used for research; in the early 50’s the cells were used to help develop a polio vaccine and now today, the cells are used for cancer and aids research and theories about the cause and treatment of diseases. Henrietta, unknowingly, changed the medical & science world forever! She has been called many things: Immortal, Heroine of Modern Medicine, Medical Miracle, and Wonder Woman. To her family she was and is: daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother. Henrietta was a phenomenal woman during her life time, in Henrietta’s passing her medical contributions exhibits what a phenomenal woman she really was. She continues to enhance many lives who are unaware of her past existence. After all, she has a rich and important history and a great legacy that she left for her family to carry.
The New York Times best seller, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot takes readers on a fantastic journey into the world of Henrietta and science.
What I say is:
The Human Trafficking in Mary Land (Human Rights) Claim, posted on this Reclamation Website, is in direct honor and tribute to Henrietta Lacks, the Natural Asiatic Melanin-Rich “so-called BLACK” HUE-Woman (“HUE” as in the Default Natural Characteristic of Full Melanin Hue Pigmentation in her skin) who’s Genetically-Superior Cells changed Modern Medicine nearly Seventy (70) Years after the criminal-theft of her cells for the advancement of science resulting in John Hopkins University shamefully naming a building supposedly in her honor as if she voluntarily gave her Biological Property knowingly and of free will. This particular event holds true the factual statement “The West’s Scientific Growth has much to do with the presence of the Moors/Muurs/Maurs as Henrietta Lacks was indeed a Moorish/Muurish/Maurish Woman (also referred to as “Muurican”, “Maurikano”, “Mooreno”). It also proves that the West is forever in tribute to the Moors/Muurs/Maurs.
Keep in mind that John Hopkins Hospital, in Roman Catholic MARY-Land, has been committing Race-Specific Eugenics-Based Animalistic Experiments on Natural Melanin-Rich Genetically-Dominant Asiatic/Africoid-Aboriginals (Modernly known as the Present-Day “Negroes”, “Black”, “Coloreds”, “Afro/African-Americans”, etc.) every since it’s Wicked Inception. To make matters worse, you now have Unnatural Parasitic Pale-Face Opportunists monetarily-capitalizing on the property of Henrietta Lacks by selling books which has been reported to have made the New York Best-Seller’s List Six (6) Years in a row, without one dime ever being offered or donated to the Living Offspring Survivor(s) and Heir(s) of Henrietta Lack’s Priceless Biological Estate.
The Blatant Theft of this HUE-Woman’s Miraculous Cells is Prima Facie Evidence of the Systematic De-Humanization, Racism, Humiliation, etc. which is synonymous with the “Doctrine of Discovery” which was Pontifically-Sanctioned by the Catholic-Christian Pope in various Papal Bulls and Papal Decrees, to the point that a Euro-Albinoid “White” Italian named Christopher Columbus was Ecclesiastically-Funded and Supported in his voyage to the Americas as a Commercial-Mercenary and Bounty-Hunter by the Christian Monarchs Queen Isabelle and King Ferdinand who were still Freshly-Intoxicated off of the Priceless-Spoils taken from the defeat of the Majestic Melanin-Rich Moors in 1492.
Remember, Slavery, Racism, Human Trafficking, and Christianity/Cretinism do share the same space.