Reclamation of Lost Estate (R.O.L.E)
United States Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Attachment Page(s) for Form 2848
(Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative)
Note: This form 2848 is an amendment from the previous 2848 forms filed on August 1, 2017, sent via UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Certified Mail Number 7017 1450 0000 3288 0189, and filed on June 15, 2018, sent via UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Certified Mail Number 7004 2510 0005 4833 3449, both sent to Internal Revenue Service, 5353 Getwell Road (Stop 8423), Memphis, TN 38118.
* * * End of Note * * *
PART ONE – Power of Attorney
1. Taxpayer Information
Taxpayer Name:
(UNITED STATES Person / Ens Legis / Cestui Que Trust / Certificate Holder)
Legal Address #1 of Taxpayer:
1401 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, N.W. (Place of Commercial Registration)
Legal Address #2 of Taxpayer:
1500 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. (Place of Commercial Bonding)
Taxpayer Identification Number: 126-56-2303
Taxpayer’s Date of “Commercial/Corporate” Berth: 05/05/1965
Taxpayer’s State Berth (Certificated Security) Instrument File Number: 26433
Taxpayer’s Private Bond Serial Number(s) for corresponding Federal Reserve Banks: E63901071/F21021141
Taxpayer’s Daytime Phone Number: Not Applicable
Taxpayer’s Email: Not Applicable
“Taxpayer” is U.S. citizen, U.S. Resident, U.S. Subject, U.S. Veteran, Artificial/Fictitious Person, Imaginary Person, Decedent, Public Person, Federal Person, Strawman, Debtor, Transmitting Utility, Conduit, Dummy, Legal Entity, Commercial Person, Corporate Person, Domestic Corporation, U.S. Vessel, U.S. Trader, U.S. Merchant, Artifice, Defendant, Trust, Beneficiary, Customer, Consumer, Certificate Holder, etc.
Information in support of Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative
In 1871, U.S. Congress created a Corporation as evidenced by recordation in the United States Statutes at Large, 41st Congress, Session III, Chapter 62, February 21, 1871, where one finds “an Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia…a Body Corporate for Municipal Purposes…” (1st paragraph), in which Seven (7) Years later, this Act was further clarified in the 45th Congress, Session II, Chapter 180, June 11, 1878, where it reads “An Act providing for a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia…the permanent seat of government of the United States…shall remain and continue a Municipal Corporation” (1st Paragraph).
Title 28 USC § 3002 (15): “United States” means – (A) a Federal Corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.
The New Artificial/Fictitious Legal Entity “Corporate” U.S. Public citizen person has a peculiar standing, or lack thereof, a few examples being:
(1) may not by law exercise a First Amendment Right to question the validity of a United States Obligation pursuant to U.S. Constitution, Amendment 14 Section 4,
(2) means citizen of the UNITED STATES and not a person generally, nor Citizen of a State Republic,
(3) is analogous to the term “subject” in the Common Law,
(4) is a “Person” as defined under Title 26 USC § 7701(a) which includes a corporation, trust, partnership, etc.,
(5) pursuant to Internal Revenue Code, Section 6109(d), is an individual issued a Social Security Account Number…for purposes of section 205(c)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act, and
(6) may be classified as property, as a franchise of the Federal Government, and as an individual entity (see Wheeling Steel Corporation v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193).
During the Manufactured-Crisis on North American Soil, known as the National Banking Emergency of 1933, the People’s Gold was stolen, and all of the Lawful Money was taken out of circulation. When they did that, they had to provide a remedy to the People. That remedy was Public Law: Chapter 48, 48 Statute 112, under House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, 73rd Congress (Public Law No. 10). This legislation, in part, states that “the Federal Government will discharge all of the People’s debt, Public and Private, dollar for dollar.” They took (stole) everything including all property and titles to property and left the People only with the ability to set-off/discharge debt and create money with their signature but they never bothered to tell the People. Not telling the People would be the act of concealment and concealment would be the act of fraud. House Joint Resolution 192 (U.S. Public Policy) made it impossible to pay a debt with a debt. It was set up, unknowing to the American People, under the New Deal Public Policy, for the People to use their exemption from having to pay for anything when there is no “specie” (coined money, gold and silver) in circulation. The Fiduciary Agent in this matter is the U.S. Secretary of Treasury, through their Internal Revenue Service (the Internal Revenue Service serving as Accountant/Bookkeeper of the Operation).
House Joint Resolution 192 was repealed on October 28, 1977 and replaced with Public Law 95-147, 91 Statute 1229. However, New Statutes, as such under Title 12 and 31 USC, have authorized similar remedies.
12 U.S. Code § 95a – Regulation of Transactions in foreign exchange of gold and silver; property transfers; vested interests, enforcement and penalties
(Part 2)
Current through Pub. L. 113 – 163 (See Public Laws for the current Congress)
(2) Any payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or delivery of property or interest therein, made to or for the account of the United States, or as otherwise directed, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation or instruction, or direction issued hereunder shall to the extent thereof be a full acquittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same; and no person shall be held liable in any court for or in respect to anything done or omitted in good faith in connection with the administration of, or in pursuance of and in reliance on, this section, or any rule, regulation, or direction issued hereunder.
There is No Money
There is no “Money”, or at least no “Money of Substance” in the U.S. Economic System. In the UNITED STATES, the definition of Money is a “Medium of Exchange”. In the UNITED STATES, U.S. Fiat Currency serves as a “Medium of Exchange”. In the UNITED STATES, U.S. Fiat Currency, in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, are exchanged as Money in order to get the goods and/or services that are needed.
The word “Exchange” means a situation in which equal value is given between two parties. If there is no Money of Substance (which was taken out of circulation in 1933), then an exchange can only take place by using “Money of Exchange” (such as U.S. Currency, in the form of Federal Reserve Fiat Legal Tender Notes, Checks, Debit Cards, U.S. Money Orders, etc.).
A “Note” is a promise to pay at some future date. A Note is a Debt Instrument. A Federal Reserve Note, otherwise known as U.S. Currency, is a pledge on the part of the UNITED STATES Federal Corporation Government to pay a debt. This means that every Federal Reserve Note in circulation is actually a liability of the UNITED STATES Federal Corporation Government. Where would the UNITED STATES, an Artificial/Fictitious Legal Entity Corporation, get any tangible assets to pay off any liability when the UNITED STATES have no source of wealth on it’s own? The absolute only source of wealth is in the Natural Human People (Human Labor, also known as Human Resources) and the Natural Organic Land (Natural Resources). The Natural People of North America are the Creditors and the Artificial/Fictitious UNITED STATES Federal Corporation (created in year 1871 in Washington, D.C./District of Columbia) is the Debtor. In North America, the Natural People’s Natural Births have been, unknowingly, converted into Commercial Berths (that Commercial Berth evidencing a U.S. Vessel, otherwise known as a U.S. Person) in order to then be used as a resource (otherwise known as Capital) for the UNITED STATES “Commercial/Corporate” Maritime/Admiralty Operation.
Since, in the Bankrupt UNITED STATES, all there is U.S. Currency, otherwise known as Promises to Pay, otherwise known as Debt Instruments, one can actually never pay for anything. The word “pay” implies an exchange of equal value. Since there is no substance backing up U.S. Currency (Federal Reserve Notes, Checks, Debit Cards, U.S. Money Orders, etc.), one cannot pay the debt for anything. All one can do is discharge the debt or discharge the obligation. This is exactly what U.S. Congressional House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 says the UNITED STATES Government will do: discharge the People’s debts “dollar for dollar”, even though House Joint Resolution 192 was repealed on October 28, 1977 and replaced with Public Law 95-147, 91 Statute 1229, which now, along with New Statutes, authorizes similar remedies.
The UNITED STATES “Taxpayer” Person, which is a Domestic Corporation, was formed by the State Birth/Berth Certificate. Once each De facto Unconstitutional State Corporation (such as “STATE-OF-CALIFORNIA” as opposed to “California state Republic”) has registered, by Commercial Bulk Transfer, the Birth/Berth Certificates with the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of the Treasury then issues Treasury Securities in the form of Treasury Bonds, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bills (T-Bills) using the Birth/Berth Certificates as Sureties and/or Guarantors for these purported Securities. This means that, for the purchasers of these Treasury Securities, the Bankrupt UNITED STATES Federal Corporation can guarantee the Lifetime Human Labor Wealth Energy of all Unsuspecting American People as collateral for payment of the Bankruptcy Debt. Therefore, State Birth/Berth Certificates are being traded for value at UNITED STATES Department of Commerce, supported by data provided to U.S. Census Bureau.
Most of what we call “Money”, that flows in the U.S. Economy, is just bookkeeping entries or digits in various computers. When debts are discharged, no real money flows. The only thing that happens is that bookkeeping entries are made on various computer systems. When one writes a Check (U.S. Debt Instrument), eventually the other Checking Account will be credited with the amount of the Check, and the Checking Account of the main issuer will be debited by the same amount. When one uses a Debit Card, the same Debit/Credit Operational Process happens. The only difference when one uses a Debit Card instead of a Paper Check is that no paper is used; it is all done electronically.
The Federal Reserve Bank, in it’s booklet entitled “Modern Money Mechanics”, page 3, states “In the UNITED STATES, neither Paper Currency nor Deposits have as commodities. Intrinsically, a Dollar Bill is just a piece of paper, deposits merely book entries.”
Bill of Exchange
You might be wondering where People got the idea of using a Bill of Exchange. The idea came from a Federal Reserve Publication.
“Modern Monetary Systems have a fiat base – literally money by decree – with depository institutions, acting as fiduciaries, creating obligations against themselves with the fiat base acting in part as reserves. The decree appears on the currency notes: “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private.” While no individual could refuse to accept such money for debt repayment, exchange contracts could easily be composed to thwart its use in everyday commerce. However, a forceful explanation as to why money is accepted is that the federal government requires it as payment for tax liabilities. Anticipation of the need to clear this debt creates a demand for the pure fiat dollar.”
[“Money, Credit and Velocity,” Review, May 1982, Vol. 64. No. 5, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, p. 25]
The Federal Reserve is saying that the people could easily replace the use of Federal Reserve Fiat Legal Tender Notes in daily life by using exchange contracts. It means that People can use exchange contracts to discharge U.S. Public Debts while commercially-operating within U.S. Financial/Commercial Markets, in everyday commerce.
Contract. An agreement between two or more persons which creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing. It’s essentials are competent parties, subject matter, a legal consideration, mutuality of agreement, and mutuality of obligation. … [Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition]
Exchange. To barter; to swap. To part with, give or transfer for an equivalent… [Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition]
Exchange. … 2. The payment of a debt using a bill of exchange or credit rather than money… [Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition]
Bill of Exchange. A three-party instrument in which first party draws an order for the payment of a sum certain on a second party for payment to a third party at a definite future time. Same as “draft” under Uniform Commercial Code. A check is a demand bill of exchange. See also Advance Bill; Banker’s Acceptance; Blank Bill; Clean Bill; Draft; Time Bill. [Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition]
Draft. A written order by the first party, called the drawer, instructing a second party, called the drawee (such as a bank), to pay a third party, call the payee. An order to pay a sum certain in money, signed by a drawer, payable on demand or at a definite time, and to order or bearer. … An unconditional order drawn by a drawer on drawee to the order of the payee; same as a bill of exchange. U.C.C. § 3-104. See also Check; Documentary Draft; Redraft; Sight Draft; Trade Acceptance. [Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition]
So, a Bill of Exchange is the same as a Draft and a Check is a Demand Bill of Exchange. Most of us are familiar with a Check, which is just a Special Form of a Bill of Exchange.
It is absolutely valid to use a Bill of Exchange to access what the UNITED STATES owes the People: their Pre-Paid Exemption from paying any debts in the form of Set-Offs and Discharges for all U.S. Public Debt while commercially-operating within U.S. Financial/Commercial Markets.
2. Representative(s)
Representative Name:
Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El (Sui Juris / De jure / In Proper Person / Natural Man on the Land)
Lawful Address (Place of Natural Dwelling and Place of Natural Habitat):
Turtle Island; Land-of-the-Frogs; Muu-land; Amexem; Al Moroc; Al Maghrib Al Aqsa; Egypt-of-the-West, the “De jure” Proper Designations of the Natural Land.
[Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos]
(Without the “De facto” UNITED STATES Federal Corporation created in year 1871)
Non-Domestic, Non-Resident
“Representative” is Natural Flesh and Blood Real Live Person, Sentient Being, Freehold-by-Primogeniture, Birthright and Inheritance, in Propria Persona, etc.
3. Acts Authorized
I authorize my representative(s) to perform acts with respect to the tax matters described below:
Tax Matters are actually Tax Non-Matters as Representative is and has been, by way of the inducement of fraud, the origin, source, and energy for Taxpayer, which means that there is and never has been any Tax Issue ab initio (from the beginning).
3a. Additional acts authorized
In addition to the acts listed on line 3 above, I authorize my Representative to serve as Settling Agent, Paramount Creditor, Superior Claimant of Right, Holder in Due Course, True Affiant/Affiant-in-Fact, and Redeemer of all Equity, and all forms of Equity, in relation to the Birth/Berth Certificate Account of the Certificate Holder, which may include the Accrued Equity of all Corresponding Social Security, Federal Reserve, Automatic Clearing House, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, Depository Trust Company, and/or Cede & Company Accounts.
PART TWO – Declaration/Affirmation of Representative
Under penalties of perjury, by my signature below I declare/affirm that all of the foregoing is true and correct, and I am competent to make this Declaration/Affidavit.
I hereby affix my own signature to all of the declarations/affirmations in this entire document, with explicit reservation of all of my Native Indigenous Aboriginal Moorish/Muurish/Maurish Rights, and my specific right not to be bound by any “U.S./Papal” Contract or any “U.S./Papal” Obligation, which I have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily, intentionally, and without misrepresentation, duress, or coercion.
December 1, 2019 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
17th Day, Overtone Moon, Year 1440 A.H. (13-Moon Calendar/Marrakesh Year)
Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El - Prime Minister
Special Note:
Notice of Spiritual Assembly/Religious Establishment, known as UNIVERSAL HOLY SCIENCE TEMPLE OF NATURE AND SPIRITUALITY, with it’s Subsequent Limited and Isolated Corporation Sole known as THE DIVINE SEE OF NATURE AND SPIRITUALITY, has been duly forwarded, on the record, for the record, among others, to UNITED STATES Department of State (sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7006 0100 0000 1989 7038), STATE-OF-MARYLAND Governor (U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7006 0100 0000 2107 2675), and CIRCUIT COURT CORPORATION OF MARYLAND FOR BALTIMORE CITY (U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7006 0100 0000 2107 2668).
* * * End of Special Note * * *
Certificate of Service
I certify that I sent one (1) Newly-Revised 7-page Single-Sided Document entitled “Power-of-Attorney/Declaration of Representative” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 2848) and one (1) Newly-Revised 7-page Single-Sided Document entitled “Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship” (Internal Revenue Service/U.S. Department of the Treasury Form 56), sent U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7016 0910 0002 3020 3644, and addressed to:
5353 Getwell Road (Stop 8423)
Memphis, TN 38118
______________________________ 12/ 1 /2019 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El – Sui Juris / De jure / In Proper Person / Natural Man on the Land